Sunday, January 27, 2008

Honkytonk Heaven!

Nashville, Tennessee! Home of the Grand Ole Opry, honkytonk, and Christian pop music! I spent my weekend here gittin' warmed up at my shitty hotel room at La Quinta Inn drinking PBRs:

At night, I took to the streets, visiting such local haunts as Demos' for dinner, Tootsie's for the authentic country scene, and twenty3 for a bit of clubbing before heading back to the hotel for a poor night's sleep and an early morning hangover.

Eating a nice piece of bread before my main course medium-rare steak at Demos'

Only in Nashville can you find super talented country acts that no one's ever heard of, nor ever will. This is one of those groups jamming out at Tootsie's on Broadway

One of the many nice Nashvillians I met while clubbin' at twenty3 in Nashville's trendy industrial district

All in all, Music City was a great place to spend a weekend. The folks are friendly and the music is just what you'd expect. It's an amazing thing to walk into a bar at 2 in the afternoon to find a country or rock group kicking ass on stage with not a single person in the room besides the bored bartender and myself ordering a tall glass of beer. I drove to the airport, country music in my veins and a belly-full of Waffle House.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should have checked out the city cemetery. i stumbled upon it and spent the morning before my flight with dead confederate soldiers. i also spent a few minutes in the pouring rain at Fort Nashborough, running to each building to get a glimpse of the replicas, save for the one the bum was passed out in front of. i was determined to get my nashville history despite the rain.