Sunday, January 6, 2008

Goodbye, My Beloved Minnesota!!

My mother and I ringing in the New Year

Well, it's been a great Winter vacation here in Minnesota, complete with old friends, forgotten friends, and a loving, wonderful family. Catching up wears on one's self though, and reminders of who I was and how I've changed were definitely encouraging. The best part about home has been the reminded memories that refresh my sense of identity and place within this big, wide world.

A reunion of the Mikey, Pauly, Benny Show (WMPB), plus our esteemed engineer David "Da' Boosh" Busch

The bar seemed to be one place where the nostalgia really was celebrated with shots of this and that and wisecracks that wouldn't be funny to strangers of this scene. I had a great time partying down at the VFW in Minneapolis one night where I sang songs with my old pal Justin Anderson and bumped into an old flame who took shots of "Liquid Viagra" or Vodka Red Bulls with my sister and I:

Images from the VFW: (left) my pal Justin crooning to Johnny Cash; (right) My sister Betsy, friend Natalie, and I drinking "Liquid Viagras"

Yes, friends are the best part about coming home. As are the traditional ceremonies of Minnesota during the holidays, such as drinking pitchers at Babe's:

Hanging out at Babe's:
(top from left: Me!, Jack, Ryan, Brock
bottom: Matt, our beer wench, Brother Andy)

I start off 2008 realizing how lucky I am to be surrounded by so many good folks. We'll see you next time on the Nickel-Plated Wayfarer in Chicago!


Raizesindigena said...

Happy New Year man! P.S. my friend
Ashley wants to "hang" with you when your back in town...

Michael Graca said...

Sorry, but I won't "hang" with anyone until I'm married!

WhoIsWong said...

hey there lady killah! tis me, teresa =D it was much fun working with you this past weekend and thank YOU for sharing your upbeat energy and postive vibes with all of us, heh. kathryn misplaced the contact sheet, so i have nobody's info =(

WhoIsWong said...
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