I arrived in Detroit around 3:30pm after a rushed drive to the airport to find Hertz Car Rental had a nice Hyundai reserved for me, trunk open, keys in the ignition:
The first thing I did at the Best Western was head for the bar. I hadn't eaten all day and needed my cheeseburger and a bloody mary. It was there that I met Taras P. Nykoriak, a nice young man who asked me if I happened to be from Warren, Michigan. "A year ago when I was eighteen and I bought my first house, the realtor said I was the youngest person they ever signed a deal with." Now, at nineteen, Taras is trying to win over the people of Warren in the race for mayor this November. "I just need to convince them I'm not crazy." We exchanged cards, shook hands, and I finished my bloody mary. I wish him the best of luck this November and would write him in if I could. Tomorrow, on to Grand Rapids!
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