Monday, January 12, 2009

Gary Hardy's Nostalgic Rock n' Roll and Rusty the Bone in Memphis

Well, here I am in West Memphis, which is not in Tennessee but actually in Arkansas. I had a nice flight here from Columbia, SC, which was not exactly an exciting town but warm and sunny, which was nice. I spent the night eating ribs on Beale Street (in the real Memphis) at a place called Blues City, where Gary Hardy and the Memphis 2 entertained us bored tourists dining on the best barbecue I've ever had. He once actually owned Sun Records, claims Carl Perkins kept him alive, and is currently friends and neighbors with Jerry Lee Lewis, whom I'm sure we all figured passed away by now. It was amazing to watch him perform, not due to his uncanny impersonation of Johnny Cash, but because of the rich detail of rock's history he explained with slurred words between songs.

After checking in to my room, I headed across I-55 to Southland Park Gaming & Racing where I won 50 bucks playing Blackjack before trying my luck at my first dog race. I lost about $7 but had two ice cold Budweisers in wax paper cups before heading home to my hotel room. The dog races are exactly the same as horse races minus the jockeys and plus the bone the greyhounds chase they call Rusty. The bone cruises around the track on some sort of remote controlled arm as the announcer calls "Here comes Rusty!" and the dogs go crazy for 1/4 mile and all the gamblers yell and hollar and throw their tickets down. I didn't throw either of my two tickets down because I was betting about $2.50 on each race and wasn't that upset that my dogs never won.

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