Monday, October 20, 2008

My New Friends at B3W and a Four-Alarm Non-Fire...

Virginia is one of those states that's gone from Red to Purple in the closing days of the election, but I'd say in a dispassioned, bored, and perhaps frustrated sort of way. It seems the South cares more about the end of annoying campaign advertisements during commercial breaks of football and baseball games. The only real clue I got with regards to who's voting for whom came from a few good old boys at the bar in Buffalo Wild Wings who insisted only that global warming was a lie. "It's simply a shift in weather patterns." We also talked about how Southern women are pleasantly plump: "Ain't nuthin' better than a Southern sweater," as T.J. put it.

While the bored voters of Virginia saw only a minor distraction from the campaigns, Republicans and Democrats alike are trying to rally its constituents. Walking home from B3W (Buffalo Wild Wings), I passed a "Straight Talk Express" bus parked in the Holiday Inn parking lot:

A mirage or politics in Virginia? No! The Straight Talk Express rolls on here in Roanoke, VA

After seeing one of the GOP's fleet out in full force, I suddenly became very self-aware and fearful, rushing into the elevator and up to my fifth floor room where I fell fast asleep. Around 4am I woke up to a droning buzz coming from the hallway. In my underwear, I opened the door and saw the grouchy Nascar fans from Sunday's race in Martinsville file through the hallway and down the stair in their pajamas. I threw on some clothes and followed them outside:

A 4am wake-up call that brought the guests of the Holiday Inn out into the night's cold air

Later in the day I noticed Virginia's Women for Obama would be holding an event in Ballroom C here at the Holiday Inn. I thought I might catch them before driving down to Greensboro, but they were arriving three hours after I'd be gone. Still, it was nice to see the name Obama in a state of signs stating"Virginia is McCain Country."

No, I am not a woman!

Tonight I'm off to Madison, WI and then Chicago, both of which I am sure are "Obama Country." Still, I'll miss the Nascar fans and my new pals in the South. Perhaps one day we can at least cheer for the same football team.

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