The rest of the day added insult to injury, with a broken microphone, Chicago teachers disgruntled about a shortage of stalls in the womens' restroom, and a late cab for our early flight to Dallas.
Things picked up the next day in Dallas (or Arlington, TX). The turnout was much smaller and the staff a pair of friendly Mexicans who were assigned exclusively to Meeting Room Six, our modest seminar, which was across the hall from the grand ballroom where the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association hosted the 2008 National Dog Show:
Highlights from the 2008 National Dog Show in Arlington, TX
Into the third round: Spaniels Suzie and Princess await judging and a chance to win "Best Bitch in Show"
One of the bennies of this job is the chance to see different and amazing things I never would've experienced; my very first dog show was a spectacular event to witness in person
Things picked up the next day in Dallas (or Arlington, TX). The turnout was much smaller and the staff a pair of friendly Mexicans who were assigned exclusively to Meeting Room Six, our modest seminar, which was across the hall from the grand ballroom where the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association hosted the 2008 National Dog Show:

Well, that's been my week so far. Today I'm working in El Paso, TX at the Radisson Hotel, where the weather is hot and dry. I think I might lay by the pool during lunch and finally ice my forehead.