Then it was off to the airport where I missed my flight and spent the day arranging a later flight from Seattle to Rochester, NY which included a layover at Chicago O'Hare where the weather was cold and sloppy. Special thanks must go out to the folks throwing luggage and helping the pilots taxi because I'm sure their Sunday was much worse than mine. There was a lot of time spent sitting on an idol plane, of which I took advantage by calling my grandma Alice May, my roomie Jack, and friend Elizabeth Bortz who was smarter than me this weekend and stayed in instead of braving a morning hangover. I arrived at my hotel around 12:30 am and found a horrible news posting on cnn.com moaning and groaning about the horrible weather I will meet this weekend during my New England travels.
Now I'm sitting at my registration table wearing Reeboks and looking forward to the half-turkey sandwich and cup of lentil soup I'll have for lunch. I foresee December being a nightmare of Grinch-like proportions as I wait outside of seminars listening to the constant stream of Mannheim Steamroller and musak Christmas songs. But somehow, the spirit of Saint Nick prevails:

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