Thursday, March 6, 2008

Some Fun Pictures and a Brief Synapse of the Past Month

Well, it's been a whole month since I've last posted anything. That's all I'm gonna say. No excuse but laziness.

Saluting the camera with some West Point cadets

The line for our district's Democratic Primary was up to two blocks! All my roommates and I voted for a very successful Barak Obama (at least in Washington)

My brother and I doing taxes and drinking malt liquor on March Day

I've spent most of the past month on the East Coast, where the weather has been freezing. It's finally warming, however, and with Springs thaw comes that nostalgia of sandy parking lots and muddy boulevards that one forgets living in temperate Seattle, where there are no dirty snow piles or assholes with chips on their shoulders.

Next week I'm off to Atlanta, Pasadena, and Louisville. Then another week long break in Seattle, where the cherry blossoms are blooming and the rain has stopped.